2024-2025 St. John the Baptist Faith Formation Registration is ready to go.
To register, go to:
Faith Formation will begin on Wednesday, September 4 with
opening Mass at 6:30 p.m. followed with an open house.
The Faith Formation Commission (FFC), along with the Curriculum Team, continually look at the materials being used to maintain fresh approaches to faith formation that excites kids, delights parents, and energizes the catechists. The Curriculum Team, a subcommittee of the FFC, found that St. Mary’s Press “Discover! Finding Faith in Life (Grades K to 5),” “Go Seek and Find” (sacramental) (2nd Grade), and “Connect,” (junior high) met all the guidelines they were looking for. They provided recommendations to the FFC to move forward with the changes and the changes were approved.
All the textbooks are Bible focused. Kindergarten students will be introduced to the love of Jesus using Bible story pages designed just for their age level. Students in grades first to fifth grade will be using “The Catholic Children’s Bible” and students in grades sixth through twelfth grade will focus on the “Catholic Youth Bible” which is the core of every lesson from St. Mary’s Press.
Fun engaging activities are at the center of every lesson in Discover, Go Seek and Find, and Connect that are appropriate for their age level. Every student/family has full access to online, interactive lessons for kids to use at home that complement the program, not repeat it. All textbooks are family friendly, From free home guides and family pages to the invitation to read the Bible together, families can explore their faith together.
When registering, if you forgot your password, there will be a ‘Forgot Password’ link for you to click on that will provide it for you. If you have forgotten your username, contact Linda at l.hansmeier@dbqarch.org or dbq137sec@dbqarch.org and it will be sent to you.