But he said to them, “It is I. Do not be afraid. “They wanted to take him into the boat, but the boat immediately arrived at the shore to which they were heading.( John 6:20-21).
God is good!
Prayer significantly featured in the life and ministry of Jesus, and it was something he enjoyed. Today's gospel shows how prayer may assist us to manage crisis and other life events.
Prayer gives Christians winsome attitude to face crises because it scares the evil in the crisis away to stop it from terrifying us. And without prayer even strong faith is not sufficient for overcoming troubles and temptations.
After being with Jesus and experiencing the miraculous feeding of the 5000 people, the disciples hurriedly moved away as Jesus spent time in prayer. But what happens? They faced headwinds against their boat and became afraid.
It is those divine words, “It is I, do not be afraid,” that assured them of safety. That is the essence of prayer, dispelling fear from us and rendering courage to us to withstand the thick clouds of crisis when they form around us.
Why are most of us constantly moving along with our lives and everything without prayer? We are asking for changes in our lives, family, business, church, and the nation. But where is the prayer that should create the change? It is good for things to change. However, things don't happen without prayer, and if they happen without it, they don't last or satisfy us.
Unless we are willing to turn our family homes, parishes, schools, and workplaces into prayer havens and beneficiaries of prayer, it will be hard for us to hear that divine voice, “It is I, do not be afraid.”
Prayer: Heavenly Father, do not break our defenses around us, but restore and give us life as we are prone to despair and vulnerability. We place trust in your promises because they always come through. Amen.