I am reminding you, brothers and sisters, of the Gospel I preached to you, which you indeed received and in which you also stand.( 1 Cor 15:1).
God is good!
Paul set the stage for the gospel of Christ he has been ordained to preach by going through a list of Christians who experienced Christ at disparate times and levels while putting himself with the newbies: “Last of all, as to one born abnormally, he appeared to me.”
Then he goes on to stress this fabulous idea of “standing in the gospel” because it has the power to save us if we don’t consider it a vain belief. It’s certainly an urgent reminder bearing the marks of Jesus’ comments to Phillip: “Have I been with you for so long a time, and you still do not know me? Therefore, standing in the gospel means doing the following:
First, believe in the gospel: The church preaches the gospel; it also proclaims the scriptures and teaches her doctrines. These must be “of first importance”( Cf. 1 Cor. 15:3) to us to believe and set our hearts on them without rejecting or disregarding them.
Second, believe in Jesus: The Church emphasizes the basic tenant of the gospel in one of the mysteries of faith at Mass: Christ has died, Christ is risen, and Christ will come again! Our commitment to this belief from the heart obviously aligns us with the gospel.
Third, believe in the works of Jesus: It is our calling as Christians to believe in the love of Jesus and count on it. Your belief in prayer and in the power of Jesus to always come to your aid is an indication of you standing in the gospel .
Four, believe in the church: Believe in what the church teaches as it takes the gospel of Christ and expands it to constitute the deposit of faith and moral teachings. Believe also in the sacraments. Paul gives evidence of church tradition when he says: “For I handed on to you as of first importance what I also received.”
Finally, commit to the gospel, repent from sin and be in line with the gospel message. Then as you place your confidence and trust in God, you will notice that you are loved, and the grace of God is guiding your life.
Prayer blessings: Father, I praise you today and always because everything in heaven and on earth is designed to render you praise; I am part of it. Amen.