This is what I commanded my people: Listen to my voice; then I will be your God, and you shall be my people. Walk in all the ways that I command you so that you may prosper. ( Jer. 7:23).
God is good all the time.
A young daughter asked her mother if she (mother) understands that she lies to herself sometimes as she tells the family to focus on the positives of their lives and trust God that everything will be well, though she knows things are not always pleasing. She admittedly answered that while things are not great for them all the time, it is not lying to herself. It is being positive and trusting. And she is right.
The prophet Jeremiah indicates two foundational principles on which rests God's endless desire to remain in a relationship with his people. Listen to God's voice and become his people, and he will be your God. Follow constantly his commands, and it shall be well with you.
The phrase "it shall be well with you" was popular with Jeremiah besides Moses. That promise encourages and assures us that if we let God's will direct our lives, it shall bring happiness to our days and lives.
But why are things not pretty for us sometimes? Sister Mary Jean Dorcy( 1988) puts it best, "There will always be pain, which no doctor can alleviate, and there always be suffering, which no remedy cure." Well, the truth is that generally things turn out well. Life is a carpet with various threads, but the full piece looks overwhelmingly gorgeous as just as God’s favors attend most part of our lives.
Jesus indicates in the gospel that his disciples must not cling to false joy of possessions. Instead, they must cling to him as one able to defend our prized possession of eternal happiness, which no economic, political, cultural, social, addictive, and habitual forces can give us.
Our task is to remain with Jesus and be attentive to follow his voice; even when we must carry the cross he gives us, we must hopefully and faithfully do it.