Brothers and sisters: Realize that it is those who have faith who are children of Abraham. Scripture, which saw in advance that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, foretold the good news to Abraham, saying, through you shall all the nations be blessed. – Gal 3:7-9
Friends, God is good, all the time.
Abraham’s faith is the seed and foundation of faith for all believers so that our faith and blessings linked to him. Consequently, the only distinction that matters before God in humanity is being believing or unbelieving. Thus, in Abraham, we realize the following characteristics of faith:
1. Faith is demanding. Faith requires us to give up something for the sake of something greater. Often the greater good is unknown at the time of giving up what we hold or possess. But hope enables us to respond and act on it, trusting that the future reality will hold.
2. Faith is sacrificial: Abraham was a busy peasant farmer when God called him. Years of investing time and resources to keep one's livestock and farms can only take immense courage to abandon to go and start life all over again. When we have plans or things to do and still act towards our faith, it is then that faith reflects the one expressed by Abraham.
3. Faith is not contingent upon expectation, but it brings greater rewards. A believer's faith is not measured by the reward to be received. Instead, the rewards are linked with faith. The apostle has reminded us that without faith it is impossible to please God, who rewards those who earnestly seek him.
4. Faith is produced in all. Faith is an emotion that is produced in everyone who wants to use it. It is wired in us. Thus, having faith means to starts to use the emotion and act consistently towards it. Just as the emotions of joy, anger, and fear are within us and may be triggered by stimuli, so the emotion of faith should be triggered by the knowledge of God from the created universe and the good news that are available to us from dawn to dust.
5.Faith is effective in Jesus. Jesus establishes and justifies his all-time authority over Satan and other spiritual forces of evil that seek to torment us or sow doubts and confusion in our minds about God's role in our lives. Those who believe in Jesus and his authority have great faith that enables them to experience calmness, comfort, and protection from him, and get rid of negative desires, habits, onslaughts, doubts, and defeatist tendencies.
Prayer blessings: The Memorare -Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to your protection, implored your help, or sought your intercession, was left unaided. Inspired by this confidence, I fly unto you, O Virgin of virgins, my Mother. To you do I come, before you I stand, sinful and sorrowful Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions, but in your mercy, hear and answer me. Amen