To those just beginning their high school career, decision-making looks very different when compared to those in the latter half of their high school years. That doesn’t mean that God shouldn’t be part of their decision-making process. We laughed over the story about one student who chose to respond to a coach’s challenge in a “different way” than what was expected. It seemed like a good idea to take a shortcut and it was a fun shortcut…until the coach told them to go back and do it again, the way he expected. It was one of those “it seemed like a good idea at the time…” stories. But, is it really necessary or practical to stop and pray in the moment to ask God if it’s ok to take a shortcut, or respond to someone with a quick lie, or to go against a rule? Many parents would say yes; yes it is necessary. But, even parents would admit that they themselves do not always say a prayer when making “little” decisions.
St. Ignatius provides us with a few guides to help us learn to “become deeply aware of God’s presence even in the midst of a busy life.” The Ignatian Daily Examen gives us a chance to reflect on our day with God. Daily practice of the examen, over time, can help us to be more mindful of God, which, over time, can help us to consider God in those “little” decisions. Consequences are something we teach our children at a young age. Every decision has consequences. If every decision we make is based on God’s desire for us, the collective consequence of our decisions should bring us closer to God. Or, that’s the idea anyway. It’s a lot to consider, but we have St. Ignatius as a guide and we have prayer to support us.