Then Job answered the LORD and said: Behold, I am of little account; what can I answer you? I put my hand over my mouth. Though I have spoken once, I will not do so again; though twice, I will do so no more. -Job 40:3-5.
Friends, God is good, all the time.
Keeping our stability and anchor in God in challenging times can always help to emerge from the turbulence and pitfalls we may be encountering. We cannot envision all the things that may or may not go wrong, but if we believe in God's faithfulness and infallibility, then we are encouraged to trust that no matter what happens, God is never wrong.
The story of Job shows us how things can go wrong. However, the wrong turns in our lives are not wished on us by God. Instead, God is always looking for ways to step in and turn things around for us. Job learned how wrong he was in raising his voice against a faithful and loving God and decided never to do so again.
God offers many resources we should be grateful for and make them to elicit our trust in him even when we head towards the storms and hails of life. Knowing that God has assigned a guardian angel to attend to each of us daily should encourage us seek the aid in our physical and spiritual affairs and undertakings. These powerful angels bear good news for us, defend us against evil attacks and failures, and bring us healing.
Jesus asks us to use a childlike approach in understanding and dealing with God. A child's innocence reveals how they trust their loving and caring parents that they would not permit anything wrong to happen to them. Do you think your loving God would stand and watch you fail or stumble your way through life without emerging to bring you the help you need?
Prayer blessings: Precious Lord, may your hand be upon us as we place out trust in you. May our words and actions be an extension of joyful news and support from our guardian angels to those around us. Amen.