Dear parish family,
Blessings of peace and joy to each of you.
Welcome to the fourth week of advent.
Two Sundays ago, I officially mentioned the creation of Mary’s Prayer Garden at St. John. I waited for the 8th of December to announce it to coincide with the solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Mother. The prayer garden, while not being new, has been relocated from its former location around the rectory to the east end of the church. From its current location, one can conspicuously see the beautiful statue of “Our Lady of Fatima” from Highway 30 and from the upper parking lot.
We offer a big thank you to everyone who helped plan, organize, and build the new Prayer Garden: Charles and Marylynn Murray, Loraine Kula, Linda Hansmeier, Wanda Thackery, Janet Dietrich, and Laura and Jeff Friedman. Also, thanks those who helped with labor and construction: Troy Louwagie, Mark Anton, Brian Dake, Ryan Reyhons, Orville and Marybeth Peiffer, Zach Vig, Charlene Vig and the many Parish Youth. Thanks to Keith Woods who put in the sidewalk and to Ann Hufford and Dennis Allard for their financial donation.
It’s a prayer garden and a good place to seek the intercession of the Blessed Mary through the rosary. Whenever you can, come to pray the rosary and experience Mary’s powerful intercession.