The Lord said to her in reply, "Martha, Martha, you are anxious and worried about many things. There is need of only one thing. Mary has chosen the better part, and it will not be taken from her. – Lk 10:40
God is good all the time:
Most readers of the New Testament are familiar with the story of the two sisters, Martha and Mary, whose attitudes towards life are contrasted by Jesus as a lesson for His followers. Martha’s good intention to provide for the physical needs of their guests led her to direct all her energy and attention towards a sincere spirit of hospitality. She is pulled in different directions, contriving to do everything reasonable time to make the guests happy.
Somehow, Mary chose to sit at the feet of the Lord to listen to Him. It was when Martha noticed how comfortable and happy Mary seemed to be before Jesus while she was apparently burning with exhaustion and desiccation that she decided to bring the issue to the Lord's attention. High anxiety and desperation became the reason she had to approach the Lord for His attention. "Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me by myself to do the serving? Tell her to help me” (Lk 10:40).
Here are the issues I invite you to think about.
When not to blame God. Life can overwhelm us if we try to face it without submitting to the guidance of God. Can we live in the world facing a serious turmoil without worrying? Can you seriously be at peace in the chaotic world right now without God? Can you manage the threats to life due to illnesses without faith and God? The problem is that there are many good people with great faith, like Martha, who fail to look for advice from the Lord and go ahead to blame Him when things do not end well.
There is no big or small thing with God. Do not go through life tackling issues you think you can handle and only turn to God to ask for help when faced with "big" situations. All problems and conditions are equal before God, and we must submit to His guidance to know how to handle them well. Fortunately, Jesus is always waiting to respond to us, "Martha, Martha, you are anxious and worried about many things”.
God's favor is necessary. We need God's for our happiness. The support of God comes to those who are close to Him. Stay close to God to receive and enjoy His favorable moments with you.
Nothing happens without faith. Jesus said, seek God's kingdom and its righteousness first and all other things shall be added to you (Cf. Matt 6:33). Seeking guidance from the Lord helps us to get clear view and inspiration to pursue other things in the right way and enjoy the happiness we need.
Prayer blessing: Lord help me to realize that noting matters more than the saving of my soul. Amen.