'My friend, move up to a higher position.' Then you will enjoy the esteem of your companions at the table. For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but the one who humbles himself will be exalted."- Lk 14:10
Friends, God is good, all the time.
Humility is a favorable attitude we learn from Jesus. Jesus often spoke about humility to his disciple and challenged them to pursue it as golden rule for greatness. If we want to get on in life, we must be prepared to contain our pride and lower ourselves before others.
Consistent with his life and teaching is Jesus' comments in the gospel today about not taking places of honor at the dining table, which is intended to recommend to us the high road to happiness with one's life. Nothing makes a Christian happier than the admission to oneself that we have put others first, or been there for them, sacrificed for them in the spirit of humility. Humility is God's paradox, for, in its loftiest sense, Jesus tells us to give our greatness away to receive it; and only humility is the golden rule for this. Unlike the Pharisees and the scribes whose pride caused them to lose favor with God, Jesus humbled himself to death, and therefore God has exalted him in heaven in his right hand.
St. Augustine said, "Do you wish to rise? Begin by descending. Do you plan a tower that will pierce the clouds? Lay first the foundation of humility." Here are some means we may lay the foundation of humility: ADMIT THE TRUTH: There is no truth in anyone else but God. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. Admit to God anything about yourself, whether you are pleased with it or not, without hiding from him. FACE REALITY: Accept the reality about yourself concerning others. God did not make anyone of us the standard person but unique. How we feel or behave towards others never make us superior or inferior to them as a reality. If you struggle with how you see others, pray to the Lord for help. LEARN TO BE LIKE CHRIST. Jesus was humble inside out. His life is a model of behavior for his followers, and all of it comes by way of humility. He told the disciples, if I, your Lord, and master have washed your feet, you must do the same. I have given you an example to follow (Cf.Jn 13:14-15). Compare who you are with Jesus and realize you must be humbler than him. BE OPEN TO GOD'S GRACE. Christians are like a clay pot in the hands of the world. We are so fragile and broken by temptation and weaknesses. Therefore, remembering to rely on God's gift of grace is foundational for our daily triumphs. GIVE YOURSELF TIME. Humility, truth, and time go hand in hand. Where the rubber meets the road in time, the reality of our humility will be proven to be true.