There were times Jesus and his disciples needed to withdraw from the people to be by themselves to rest. Besides, it was necessary that from time to time he would be alone with the disciples for a more intimate relationship and awareness of him and understand his mission.
On the occasion that he says he fed the 5000 people which five loaves of bread and two fish, he had which is wrong with his disciples to be by themselves around the sea of Galilee. As the people discovered their whereabouts and moved in droves to find him, he knew that the people who were coming to him on that day were hungry.
Some were hungry for physical food, and others were hungry for emotional and physical healing .There were certainly others who hungered for answers to general life concerns. So, when Jesus blessed bread and fish to give them, he both satisfied their physical hunger and provided the answers to all their concerns.
Notice again that Jesus told the disciples to gather the fragments left over so that nothing will go waste. It is so with our encounter with Jesus; it becomes valuable to him, and he never permits any such meeting with him to be a waste. Our encounter with him in the Eucharist, in his word, and in prayer, is never wasteful.
We become special to him, and he cherishes us forever. It is essential that we have this understanding to guide us so that we don’t make ourselves throwaway Christians by choice.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, answer me when I turn to you for help. Hear the prayer of my heart when I cry to you. For you are my refuge and stronghold. Amen.
There were times Jesus and his disciples needed to withdraw from the people to be by themselves to rest. Besides, it was necessary that from time to time he would be alone with the disciples for a more intimate relationship and awareness of him and understand his mission.
On the occasion that he says he fed the 5000 people which five loaves of bread and two fish, he had which is wrong with his disciples to be by themselves around the sea of Galilee. As the people discovered their whereabouts and moved in droves to find him, he knew that the people who were coming to him on that day were hungry.
Some were hungry for physical food, and others were hungry for emotional and physical healing .There were certainly others who hungered for answers to general life concerns. So, when Jesus blessed bread and fish to give them, he both satisfied their physical hunger and provided the answers to all their concerns.
Notice again that Jesus told the disciples to gather the fragments left over so that nothing will go waste. It is so with our encounter with Jesus; it becomes valuable to him, and he never permits any such meeting with him to be a waste. Our encounter with him in the Eucharist, in his word, and in prayer, is never wasteful.
We become special to him, and he cherishes us forever. It is essential that we have this understanding to guide us so that we don’t make ourselves throwaway Christians by choice.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, answer me when I turn to you for help. Hear the prayer of my heart when I cry to you. For you are my refuge and stronghold. Amen.