When it was already dawn, Jesus was standing on the shore; but the disciples did not realize that it was Jesus. Jesus said to them, “Children, have you caught anything to eat?” They answered him, “No.”( Jn 21:5-6)
God is good!
In today's gospel, the disciples' experience a transition from multiple disappointments to joy and hope. They were disappointed about Jesus' death, but they were also confounded about the discovery that he had risen from the dead.
They sought several ways to dismiss the issues, but all those ways led them to a deeper reality of the events. Those who decided to move away to Emmaus met him. Those who went fishing experienced him as he guided them to a great fish.
Some people ignore Jesus because they have no spiritual vision of who he is and what he can accomplish in our lives.
Consider what occurred in the first reading in the aftermath of Peter and John healing a disabled man. The whole community erupted with joy, except the leaders who continual debunking of any belief in Jesus.
I have listened to Tom Nealon, the president of Southwest Airlines, speak of his time-for-prayer approach to business life. Often when we hear of corporate success, we think that the people behind such groundbreaking accomplishments are less inclined to faith life. Well, it is not so with Tom, who tells of the impact of his Catholic faith and prayer on his business life.
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. If we put our trust in him, he would turn our disappointment into joy and achievements. He can restore our hopes, revive our fortunes, and overcome our fears and disappointments in every way.
Begin your day with questions like what Jesus asked the disciples, “have you caught anything to eat?” Can I manage all my life, family, and business myself? Have I got all I am looking for? If not, believe Jesus can help you.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, I praise you for my faith in your son. May I surrender even the things I can handle to him for his assistance and direction. Amen.