If you wish to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me. -Matt 19:21
Friends, God is good all the time!
Most times, people seem to possess the hunch about what sort of things they must do to stay authentically happy or make others happy. However, for some people, the willingness to enact exactly such happiness-laden behaviors is low or may not be there. However, there are many who have the inspiration to embrace such acts.
When the rich young man came to Jesus to inquire about what sort of things genuinely pave the way to eternal life that one may engage in, Jesus pointed out a three-step path to the possession of eternal life. The first is to obey the commandments about human relationships; the second is sharing with those in need, and the third is following Jesus. I am not sure if the steps are easy or hard to follow. However, many people try to practice these steps daily.
In my middle-aged life experiences, I have observed that people are generally kind and supportive in helping people untie the knots that intertwine with their lives, regardless of the complexity, especially when people are hit the hardest by unexpected circumstances.
In the last few days that the Linn County and other areas were hit Derecho, many good people have been inspired by the words of Jesus to share their time and resources with those who need them; that such kind deeds will continue, there is no doubt. I was caught in the storm and had to abandon my car to seek shelter. As three trees fell on my car and buried it, beautiful parishioners aided in cutting all the trees so that I could have access to my car again. Other help has come to me from as far as New York. I am also aware of other parishioners and friends lending helping hands to those significantly affected by the awful storm to clean up or use their generators to power their refrigerators and deep freezers so that they don't have to throw away their food storage.
We still have questions about Derecho. But the love and support of families, friends, and even strangers provide answers about the kindness of God and people that mitigate the shadows of pain, disappointment, and devastation that Derecho has caused. God is good all the time; He is kind and merciful. But we are also surrendered by beautiful people who love with their hearts and hands. Therefore, we should not cease to appreciate the Lord for His kindness and the kindhearted people in our lives or living around us. For in the shadows of pain, there emerge witnesses of light and love.
Prayer blessings: Father, you supply us with the sun, rain, wind, air, and all that provide the ground with fertility to serve our needs. Keep us secure when such natural blessings hit us with destructive potency and give us the grace to spend our days during such times and always in deeds that reflect your glory and our neighbor’s good. Amen.