In response to real needs, and after broad consultation, as well as much work, I am happy to announce the start of a special appeal, which we are calling ArchdioceseOne, to help the poor and to support the mission of the Church. As the special appeal unfolds, each of us will be invited to help secure the future for mission-related needs: to financially support retired priests; to educate future priests, our seminarians; to make much-needed repairs to the Cathedral of St. Raphael; and to provide more legal services for immigrants, which has been identified as the greatest need for the poor in our midst. And we’re hoping that when we each do our part our special appeal will produce spiritual benefits as well, for example: to strengthen unity in our Archdiocese; to deepen our practice of stewardship as a way of life; and to heal the Church with the medicine of charity. I invite you to go to the website to watch a video prepared to introduce you to our special appeal.
As a beggar for the Lord, I am asking all of us, please, to support our special
appeal with a sacrificial gift, and to pray for its success. We can’t hope for its material and spiritual success unless this holy work is begun with God’s
inspiration and carried out by God’s help. Towards that end, as the official prayer for our special appeal, ArchdioceseOne, we pray: God, come to our assistance; Lord, make haste to help us. God bless you.
Thank you,
Archbishop Michael Jackels