What profit would there be for one to gain the whole world and forfeit his life? Or what can one give in exchange for his life? - Matt 16:26
Friends, God is good all the time!
If you ever heard of the famous Carnegie Hall joke, "How do you get to Carnegie Hall? And the punch line "Practice, practice, practice," you understand how vital effort pays off. Exercise physiologists have proven that exercise and dietary disciplines have significant weight loss and cardio fitness outcomes on those who follow instructions and stay longer at it. There is no telling the full reach of exercises on your body and mind until you have done it long enough.
In the passage of scripture above, Jesus is asking His followers to be prepared to give up something in this life to gain life, and they must give it up for so long that people can appreciate the impact. Everything worthwhile requires daily disciplined activities to experience its full effect. This is the reason Jesus kept a strictly disciplined relationship with the Father and His disciples. He never, not even once, turned His back on the Father or His disciples, or was found to contradict Himself. No matter how long certain groups of people tried to trick Him, He was consistent in His ways.
As the Son of God who came down from heaven, Jesus knew that nothing in this world could compare with heavenly happiness. And throughout His ministry, Jesus' global purpose was to get everyone to understand this reality. Heaven is cool; it is so nice that we must be willing to give up many small and big things that cloud our vision of heaven. It is this we call pruning. Jesus said, "I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit, he prunes will be even more fruitful. Give your life to God. Don't be afraid of what may seem to be the immediate losses, for the gain is more magnificent and richer.
Prayer blessings: Heavenly Father, we remain trusting in your promise of receiving your everlasting heritage with the angels and the saints. Keep our minds and hearts in the right place and on the right things. Amen.