You have been told, O man, what is good, and what the LORD requires of you: Only to do the right and to love goodness, and to walk humbly with your God.-(Micah 6:6-8)
God is good all the time!
Teacher, we wish to see a sign from you.
Human beings can ignore the most essential things in life and spend time seeking the things that do not matter much. When a group of Pharisees and Scribes came to Jesus with a request that Jesus should perform a miracle for them to see, He knew that their hearts were not there for the right thing or looking for it for the proper reason. But He still gave them the most significant sign, the announcement that He would die and spend three days in the tomb for them. But guess what! They never appreciated such lofty message. Remember that these were Pharisees and Scribes. One would think that they would appreciate such esoteric message more than anything else.
Many of us can be like these men. We seek the Lord for His salvation, and when He gives to us, we ignore it. Let us put it another way, our expectation to find God is so lofty that we miss Him in little things. Jesus is more significant than Jonah, whom the Ninevites believed his words and altered their ways. Do not look for extraordinary signs of God's presence. In the simple things like a smile, the breath, the gentle wind, a word thanks given and received, and even the humid weather you can see Him and experience His loving and peaceful presence.
There is something greater than Solomon here.
In the ancient world, Solomon was considered the wise man. But he was not super knowledgeable from the beginning. It was God’s wisdom that alighted at him when he put his heart at the right place and in the right things and ask God for it. In the end, he benefited significantly. When he had the chance to beseech the Lord’s face for what mattered to him, he requested for wisdom; then he gained both wisdom and riches.
Perhaps, when Jesus said to the group that He was more significant than Solomon, they could have said, "Sir, give us wisdom!" But they missed it. Not that they cared for it anyway.
Understanding the world and how everything works can be complicated. It is difficult for me to comprehend the way my own life works or know everything about myself. Therefore, how much can I know about others? If getting to understand how I am living my faith is challenging, how can I hope to know and understand the Lord and or His ways? But Jesus knows the things about my life and all things I cannot reach. His counsel, words, and love, we all need them. His salvation, we need it daily. Therefore, to us, He is a more excellent person than Jonah and Solomon to go to Him.
Prayer blessing: Lord, show us your mercy and love, and grant us Your salvation. Amen.