Jesus is always able to save those who approach God through him since he lives forever to make intercession for them... (Heb 7:25—8:6).
God is good, all the time.
Friends, I watched a scene in a protest in which one of those who were protesting began to shout the name of Jesus to "rebuke" some bystanders, suggesting that they go back to where they came from. From the perspective of authentic Christianity, there is no justifying of such act. And I believe such utterance is a mockery of the holy name of Jesus; it takes the Lord's name in vain and creates a misconception of the nature and character of Jesus.
There are times Christians misconstrue God's ways, set their own rules, and force them to fit God's heart and mind. However, today’s readings offer many useful lessons to consider. The first reading tells us "Jesus is always able to save those who approach God through him since he lives forever to make intercession for them." That, Jesus continues his saving acts to save humanity by praying continually for us after dying for all is a good thing we can’t wish, think, and do anything different. The gospel renders the more outstanding picture of Jesus. He welcomed, taught, and healed the multitudes of people who came to him from Galilee, Judea, Jerusalem, Idumean, beyond the Jordan, and from Tyre and Sidon. "And whenever unclean spirits saw him, they would fall before him and shout, "You are the Son of God." Christians must understand that the name of Jesus dispels evil, and evil acts, and people.
The call to reflect on what we do on account of our faith is even more urgent; it must reflect an eagerness to commit to the right things that we know warrant divine approval because Jesus gives us the example of it. In the layers of these passages, we understand that prayers for our family, friends, nation, and the world, including strangers and those we disagree with is what defines a Christlike person. And it also includes caring, supporting, and treating them with respect and dignity as Christ will do.
Saint Agnes died not being older than thirteen years. That is why her sainthood teaches us that age and human efforts do not make a saint. Instead, it is when we take every opportunity to love and serve others in the world as Jesus did, that we open ourselves to inner peace, holiness, and sainthood. Amen.